Cloudflare vs. Akamai: A Factual Comparison

June 07, 2022

Are you having trouble choosing between Cloudflare and Akamai? It can be difficult to decide which content delivery network (CDN) provider is right for your business. Luckily, Flare Compare has done the heavy lifting for you!

We’ve provided a factual, unbiased comparison of Cloudflare and Akamai, including numbers when possible. Read on to discover which provider is right for you.


When it comes to CDN performance, both Cloudflare and Akamai are top performers. Cloudflare’s global average response time is 32.37 milliseconds, while Akamai’s is 27.53 milliseconds. This means that, on average, Akamai is slightly faster than Cloudflare.

However, numbers can only tell part of the story. There are many factors to consider when comparing CDN performance, such as server location, user location, and the type of content being delivered. As such, it’s important to consider your specific needs and requirements when choosing between Cloudflare and Akamai.


In terms of pricing, both Cloudflare and Akamai offer flexible pricing plans to fit businesses of all sizes. Cloudflare’s pricing is based on usage, meaning you only pay for what you use. Akamai’s pricing, on the other hand, is based on bandwidth usage.

For small to medium-sized businesses, Cloudflare’s usage-based pricing may be more cost-effective. However, for larger businesses with higher bandwidth usage, Akamai’s pricing model may be more suitable.


Security is a top priority for both Cloudflare and Akamai. Cloudflare offers a range of security features, including DDoS protection, SSL/TLS encryption, and web application firewall (WAF) protection. Akamai offers similar security features, including bot protection and Kona Site Defender, which provides WAF protection.

It’s worth noting that Cloudflare offers a free plan that includes basic security features, which can be a good option for small businesses or those on a tight budget. Akamai, however, does not offer a free plan.

Customer Support

Customer support is another important factor to consider when choosing a CDN provider. Both Cloudflare and Akamai offer comprehensive customer support options, including documentation, forums, and email support.

However, Cloudflare offers an additional level of support with their Enterprise plan, which includes around-the-clock phone support. Akamai offers a similar level of support with their Premier Support plan.


In conclusion, both Cloudflare and Akamai are top-performing CDN providers that offer flexible pricing and comprehensive security and customer support options. However, the best provider for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

If you’re looking for a cost-effective option with basic security features, Cloudflare may be the better choice. However, if you have higher bandwidth usage and require more robust security features, Akamai may be the better choice.

We hope this comparison has helped you make a more informed decision. For more information, please see our references below.


  1. "Cloudflare vs. Akamai: Performance Benchmarks." Cedexis, 20 Mar. 2018,
  2. "Cloudflare Pricing." Cloudflare, 2022,
  3. "Akamai Pricing." Akamai, 2022,
  4. "Cloudflare Security." Cloudflare, 2022,
  5. "Akamai Security." Akamai, 2022,
  6. "Cloudflare Support Levels." Cloudflare, 2022,
  7. "Akamai Premier Support." Akamai, 2022,

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